Our GREEN Actions

There are lots of little things that we can do to benefit the environment:

  1. Bring your own bag when you go shopping.
  2. Shopping at the neighbourhood grocery shop or market reduces the need for you to drive and gets you more exercise.
  3. Brush up your knowledge of environmental issues and innovations, and devise more ways to green your lifestyle. Good websites include www.treehugger.com.
  4. Take the stairs instead of the lift. This helps to save electricity and will tone up your legs (Best way to get ready for LEAN Walk-A-Jog!).
  5. Learn to cycle if you don’t know how. It is a healthy, eco-friendly and economical habit for life. Plus, you get to exercise regularly, gaining a fitter body and a stronger heart.
  6. Consider buying a hybrid or fuel-efficient car instead.
Most immediately, we can start by bringing our own water bottle for refill at water points – this will significantly reduce waste generation at LEAN Walk-a-Jog!!

The first 500 participants to reach the finishing line at each session will get an exclusive Limited Edition LEAN souvenir!