Seeds of Hope Exhibition to be featured at LEAN Walk-a-Jog

The world is an intricately interwoven web of infinite relations.
When we apply this worldview to matter and to all living things, including people, we can see the world as one great life entity. This is the true nature of our own life.”

~ Soka Gakkai President, Dr Daisaku Ikeda ~

Going green is not as hard as typically perceived. With a little bit of inspiration, motivation and efforts, we all can be leading sustainable eco-friendly lifestyles.

As First Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi said,

“Plants awaken the aesthetic feelings within us, soften our more violent emotions, inspire us to poetry, and thus nurture our hearts and minds”

Let us make the first move by viewing the newly launched “Seeds of Hope” exhibition at LEAN Walk-a-Jog. The “Seeds of Hope” exhibition was created by Soka Gakkai International in partnership with the Earth Charter International as a resource for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-14).

The "Seeds of Hope" exhibition stresses our interconnectedness with the rest of the community of life and the need to broaden our sphere of compassion and concern. It encourages viewers to overcome feelings of powerlessness and highlights the fact that a single individual can initiate positive change.

It also introduces the positive vision for sustainable living expressed in the Earth Charter, and gives examples of individuals and groups who have successfully taken action for change, from Africa to the Arctic and Eastern Europe.

The message "It starts with one," is key -- the slogan that the Earth Charter International have chosen for their "Earth Charter Plus 10" campaign in 2010.

The exhibition uses the "Learn, Reflect, Empower" formula outlined in SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s 2002 proposal on education for sustainable development and is a tool for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

"Seeds of Hope" is a successor to the "Seeds of Change" exhibition which was created for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002, and has since been shown in 27 countries in 13 languages and seen by 1,500,000 people around the world.

"The world is an intricately interwoven web of infinite relations. When we apply this worldview to matter and to all living things, including people, we can see the world as one great life entity. This is the true nature of our own life."